I have a voice, I have experience, I have passion. We all do! If you find yourself trying to figure it all out, working to create a thriving life that you love, you may need a Coach to help you navigate the path. Whether it be creating a new chapter of life, a brand, a business, finding your health and well-being, or just putting one foot in front of the other. When you no longer want to wait for things to "perfect", pretty, appealing, "set up". A Life Coach can help you get started and help you to keep going. Out of small habit and mindset changes will come significant transformation...if you choose to have me join you on your journey I can help hope you find the steps to take and the sparkle that will keep you going.
But, is what I do "coaching"? It is, but it's more. It's listening, it's being your wing person, it's helping you to balance your energy, communicating, intuiting. It's herbal teas and constitutional analysis to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. It’s helping you find the strength to make changes, get that dream job, create a life you desire. It's reiki, mindset, reflexology. It's healing, promoting and growing. It's laughter, movement, grounding and being still. It's self-care. It might just be what you need.
I've been very successful with my clients, with classes, with consulting, with leading. It has to make sense for you as an individual, though. It has to be real. So, I can keep you moving forward. I can help you listen for when it’s time to be still. Are you ready?